Checked Swallowtail Borbonius Anthias

Borbonius Anthias comes to us from a wide range within the Indo-Pacific including Palau, South Africa and even Japan. However, its distribution range is not the reason it is lesser seen, its due to its depth range. Borbonius Anthias are rarely encountered above 300 feet (~92m), with some being seen at depths as deep as 1000 feet (~305m). It takes quite the skilled diver to not only reach these depths but to collect the fish as well. As with other Anthias, Borbonius is a zooplanktivore and as such, eats continually throughout the day. At minimum you should feed your specimen twice a day, though three is preferable. The good news about your Anthias being a zooplanktivore that requires multiple feedings is that they will completely ignore sessile and motile invertebrates.