
When selecting hardscape for your freshwater aquarium, it's important to consider your water parameter goals and how your rocks or driftwood affect them. One of the most popular biotopes to recreate are the Rift Lakes of Africa that are home to African Cichlids (Lakes Tanganyika, Malawi, and Victoria, located in East Africa's Great Rift Valley). Rift Lake cichlids are extremely popular due to the amazing color and relatively easier care. Home aquarists attempt to recreate these niches in a captive environment.
The Rift Lakes carry an average pH between 8 and 9, so you'll want to pick either an inert material or a material that buffers the pH to the desired level. You don't want to pick a hardscape that will lower the pH too much. Generally, in freshwater, you want to avoid the offerings that have a high salt or calcium content—such as limestone, marble, coral, dolomite, and Moonstone. The latter is typically the preferred choice by experienced Rift Lake Cichlid keepers. Moonstones are porous, relatively lightweight, and contain small amounts of limestone. Moonstone is also easily stackable. You can create spectacular displays while simultaneously providing territories and hiding places for your livestock. It works for both shy and aggressive fish alike.
For those that want to keep pH tolerable plants such as Java Fern, Anacharis, and mosses, the crevices and porosity of Moonstone will also allow attachment without outside bonds like glue.
Ecoscape Moonstones are creatively selected and curated. Only the best pieces for aquascaping make it through our rigorous selection process.