Paracheirodon innesi

Paracheirodon innesi, also known as the Neon Tetra, has been making a splash in freshwater aquariums for generations. This brightly colored schooling fish was originally described in 1936 and can be found throughout the Amazon River basin. Originally "discovered" near Iquitos in Peru, neon Tetras have been collected in parts of Brazil and Colombia as well. The Neon Tetra lives up to its name with a vibrant iridescent blue stripe running from nose to the adipose fin (small fin with no bones, located between the dorsal fin and tail) and a splash of scarlet red on the bottom. It is easy to see how this diminutive tetra has become ubiquitous in the hobby. They add a delightful splash of color to any peaceful community aquarium and look exquisite schooling in most any aquascape.
While the Neon Tetra can survive in smaller tanks, they do best in aquariums of 20 gallons or more, with a mix of cover and open swim space. Providing tetras with lots of hiding places using decorations, branches, and vegetation will help promote healthy behavior and color. Neon Tetras do not require tannic water to thrive; however, the tannins will help reveal their vibrant colors in addition to promoting natural behavior and displays. P. innesi prefer acidic water but can live happily in a stable pH range of 3.5 - 7.5, with temperatures between 69 – 84 °F (21 – 29 °C) and little to no hardness.
Tetras will survive in groups as small as 5 individuals but for optimum health and spectacular displays of behavior and color, we strongly recommend groups of 10 or more. Growing to a maximum size of 1.5 inches (38 mm) they can be easily consumed by larger fish, so care must be taken to ensure their tankmates are unable to take advantage of their snackable size. Appropriate possible tankmates include other similar size tetras, danios, and rasboras, as well as small catfish such as Corydoras, some small plecos, and other small non-piscivorous species.
Like many tetra species, the Neon Tetra is omnivorous and will enjoy fish, shrimp, or algae flakes, and small pellet foods. Frozen or live Daphnia, Baby Mysis, Brine Shrimp, Moina, as well as other prepared foods can be used for supplementation or as the main diet. The use of a vitamin supplement in conjunction with alternating foods will help keep your Neon brightly colored, active, and healthy.