Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus)

Whether you call this wrasse a Pink Margin Fairy or a Redmargined Fairy (Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus), there's no doubt that its pastel colors makes it stand out from other wrasses of the same genus. It's a fish with a peaceful temperament that is somewhat easy to care for. We recommend it to hobbyists who own large tanks and have some experience for two reasons. First, it will require a large aquarium home, 100 gallons minimum, with a tight cover because it can grow up to about five inches in length and it's a jumper. Secondly, it can require extra attention when feeding during acclimation. Like other Fairy wrasses, it is reef safe and can also be included in to a fish only aquarium. During feeding times make sure to provide it with a varied diet of meaty frozen and dry foods that are rich in added vitamins. We currently have a limited quantity of them available in bonded pairs, so make sure to ask your sales representative to include a pair with your next order.