QM Labs Moon Jellyfish

QM Labs is proud to now be culturing Moon Jellyfish for our valued store partners. Moon Jellies are relatively small, never getting much bigger than a foot across the bell. That outer bell is almost perfectly see-through, which is an excellent camouflage when they are seen from either below or above. There is a second bell within that one, that is also mostly transparent but has some visible bluish veins that are laid out in a pattern like a four-leaf clover. Shape wise they are very compact from top to bottom as well, with cilia that are almost always less than two inches long, even in the largest adults, though their oral arms can extend below this. In regard to keeping them in captivity, home aquarists will need a dedicated system called a Kreisel Tank to display these critters without having them get sucked into filtration. We suggest the TMC Kreisel 10 & 15!