Red and Blue Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on July 7, 2017

Red and Blue Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) thumbnail image

Rili Shrimps are known to come in a variation of vibrant colors that are sure to impress. One such variety is the Red and Blue Rili Shrimp, which will be a show stopper when added to a planted aquarium. Furthermore, they are excellent clean-up grew members and will help maintain algae growth while not harming plants in the aquarium. Due to their size precautions must be taken with filtration to ensure that they will not be sucked in. Also we recommend having a shrimp only tank because they can very easily become a snack. At the moment we have a limited quantities of the Red and Blue Rili Shrimp available. So call your sales representative as soon as you can for more information.