Ring of Fire Discus

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on June 19, 2024

Ring of Fire Discus thumbnail image

The Ring of Fire Discus (Symphysodon aequifaciatus) is a member of the Cichlid family, originally native to the Amazon River and some of its tributaries. They are one of a myriad of amazing patterns and colorations available to home aquarists as a result of decades of selective breeding. Discus can get fairly large (up to about eight inches), new Discus keepers have a tendency to feed them larger food items than is appropriate for their small mouths. As captive bred fish, simple foods will usually be accepted easily. They are omnivores, and a balanced diet will help them attain their best coloration and boost their immune system. We feed them Nutramar Freshwater Complete Pellets and Gamma Frozen Bloodworms in house. Take care not to overfeed your Ring of Fire as these pellets are very protein and nutrient dense, and thus overeating is a possibility. Discus are slow feeders and need to be kept with more passive fish that won't out compete them for food.