Ringtail Wrasse (Oxycheilinus sp.)

Posted by Quality Marine Staff on April 5, 2019

Ringtail Wrasse (Oxycheilinus sp.) thumbnail image

The Ringtail wrasse (Oxycheilinus sp.) is an uncommonly seen and awesome fish that varies in appearance depending on the region it comes from. At the moment, we have specimens that are in their juvenile phase and measure about less than 6 inches. As it matures, it will transition to display more of its adult coloration, and it will grow up to about a foot and a half. We recommend it to hobbyists who own an aquarium of about 250 gallons minimum. Also, keep a tight canopy over its tank for this is a fish that can jump out of the tank. It is an aggressive fish that is not suited for reef aquariums or with other fish that are of the same size and shape. It will pray on motile inverts and other fish that could fit in its mouth. Feed it a varied diet of meaty frozen and dry foods to keep it at maximum health.