Tiger Angelfish

The Tiger Angelfish is a striking species that is not commonly seen in the marine aquarium hobby. Originating from the waters of the Western Indian Ocean, this species is admired for its vibrant coloration and unique patterns. In aquariums, Tiger Angelfish require spacious tanks with plenty of hiding spots and live rock formations to mimic their natural habitat. They thrive in environments with stable water parameters and temperatures. As omnivores, their diet should consist of a variety of foods, including Gamma meaty frozen foods, foods with sponge and high-quality marine Nutramar Pellets. However, caution should be exercised when introducing them to reef aquariums, as they may nip at corals and other invertebrates. Additionally, Tiger Angelfish can be territorial, especially towards similar-looking species, so adequate space and careful selection of tankmates are essential for maintaining harmony in the aquarium.