Toxic Green Goniastrea Coral
(Goniastrea sp.)
Goniastrea corals are found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Great Barrier Reef, and the Indian Ocean. They typically inhabit shallow reef environments. Like most corals, Goniastrea corals have a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae. These algae reside within the coral's tissues and provide them with energy through photosynthesis. Goniastrea corals heavily rely on this process for their nutrition and growth. Goniastrea corals are generally considered to have low to moderate tolerance to copper-based medications. It is advisable to exercise caution when using copper treatments in the aquarium, as high levels can be harmful to the coral and other tank inhabitants. It is important to follow proper dosing guidelines and closely monitor the coral's response during treatment. Goniastrea corals are considered to be relatively hardy and suitable for beginner to intermediate reef keepers. They require moderate water flow and moderate. Goniastrea corals form large, round or dome-shaped colonies with intricate maze-like patterns on their surface, hence their common name. The corals have large polyps that can extend during feeding. Stable water parameters, including temperature, salinity, and nutrient levels, are important for their well-being. In the aquarium, Goniastrea corals should be placed on the substrate or attached to live rock, allowing sufficient space for growth and expansion. They require regular feeding with a combination of planktonic foods and dissolved organic matter. Goniastrea corals are generally compatible with a wide range of tank mates, including other coral species, small fish, and invertebrates. However, it is important to ensure that there is enough space and suitable conditions for each species in the aquarium. Overall, Goniastrea corals can be a beautiful addition to reef aquariums, providing interesting textures and vibrant colors. With proper care and suitable tank conditions, they can thrive and contribute to the beauty and diversity of a reef environment. Corals will benefit from the addition of Calcium, Strontium, Iodine, Magnesium and Trace Elements.
Goniastrea Corals are also known as Brain Corals. Somewhat commonly seen in the aquarium trade. The Goniastrea Corals come in a variety of colors, including brown, green, blue, and purple. Goniastrea Corals will vary greatly in size and formation.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
Live Food
Frozen Food