Purple Stylaster Coral
(Stylaster sp.)
Stylaster corals are found in various marine environments worldwide, including both tropical and temperate regions. They can be found in shallow waters as well as in deeper parts of the ocean. They typically inhabit hard substrates such as rocks, shells, and other coral reefs. Stylaster corals do not rely on photosynthesis for their nutritional needs. Instead, they are filter feeders, extending their tentacles to capture small zooplankton and other microscopic organisms from the water. Stylaster corals can be challenging to care for in aquariums due to their specific requirements. They require stable water conditions, medium to strong water flow, low lighting and high-quality filtration. Maintaining proper water chemistry and providing regular feeding with suitable planktonic foods or coral supplements is crucial for their well-being. Stylaster corals have a relatively low tolerance to copper. It's important to avoid the use of copper-based medications or any copper-containing materials in the aquarium, as they can be harmful to these corals and other marine organisms. Stylaster corals have a relatively low tolerance to copper. It's important to avoid the use of copper-based medications or any copper-containing materials in the aquarium, as they can be harmful to these corals and other marine organisms. Stylaster corals are colonial animals that can form intricate branching structures. They can produce new polyps through budding and growth, expanding their colony over time. However, their growth rate is relatively slow compared to other coral species. Corals will benefit from the addition of Calcium, Strontium, Iodine, Magnesium and Trace Elements.
Stylaster Corals are also be known as Noble, Stick or Lace Corals. Uncommonly seen in the aquarium trade. The Stylaster Corals are quite beautiful with a range of pink or orange colors. Stylaster Corals will vary greatly in size and formation.,
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
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