Emerald Ricordea Yuma Mushroom
(Ricordea yuma on Scleractinia)
Ricordea corals, commonly known as Ricordea mushrooms or Ricordea polyps, are a popular choice for reef aquariums due to their vibrant colors and unique appearance. Ricordea corals are found in various locations in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the waters around Florida. They typically inhabit shallow reef environments, often attached to rocks or coral rubble. Ricordea corals have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae, which live within their tissues and provide them with nutrients through photosynthesis. However, Ricordea corals also have the ability to capture food particles from the water column, making them capable of both photosynthetic and heterotrophic feeding. Ricordea corals are generally considered to be tolerant of copper levels within a normal range in reef aquariums. However, it's important to monitor and maintain appropriate copper levels, as excessive copper can still be harmful to their health. Ricordea corals are considered relatively easy to care for, making them suitable for beginner to intermediate reef aquarium enthusiasts. They prefer stable water conditions, moderate to high lighting, and moderate water flow. They can adapt well to a variety of aquarium setups. Additionally, Ricordea corals can reproduce through a process called budding, where new polyps develop from the parent polyp. Ricordea corals are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other reef tank inhabitants, including fish, invertebrates, and other coral species. However, it's still important to ensure adequate spacing between corals to prevent any aggressive interactions or territorial disputes. Corals will benefit from the addition of Calcium, Strontium, Iodine, Magnesium and Trace Elements.
Ricordea Mushroom Corals may also be known as Knobby False Corals. Commonly seen in the aquarium trade. Ricordea corals have a unique appearance with mushroom-like polyps. They come in a wide range of colors, including shades of red, orange, green, blue, and purple. Ricordea corals have the ability to retract and expand their polyps, creating a fascinating and dynamic display in the aquarium. Ricordea Mushrooms will vary greatly in size, when first being added to the aquarium they may appear to be shrivel small polyps but once acclimated and healthy will open up.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
Frozen Food
Live Food