Green Starburst Polyp
(Briareum or Pachyclavularia sp. on Scleractinia)
Briareum corals are found in the warm tropical waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. They typically inhabit rocky reefs and coral rubble areas, often forming dense colonies in the wild. Briareum corals have photosynthetic zooxanthellae algae living within their tissues. These algae provide the corals with energy through photosynthesis. Briareum corals also have the ability to capture and consume small food particles from the water column to supplement their nutrition. Briareum corals are generally considered to be tolerant of copper-based medications. However, it is still important to exercise caution when using copper treatments in the aquarium, as high levels can be harmful to the overall health of the coral and other tank inhabitants. Briareum corals are known for their ease of care, making them suitable for both beginner and experienced reef keepers. They are hardy and can adapt to a wide range of water conditions. They prefer moderate to strong water flow and moderate to high lighting conditions. Briareum corals form dense and bushy colonies composed of numerous polyps. The polyps have a green or brown coloration, and they extend feathery tentacles to capture food particles from the water. When well-maintained, Briareum corals can quickly cover rocks or other surfaces in the aquarium, creating a lush and vibrant appearance. Briareum corals are known for their fast growth rate. They can spread quickly and may require occasional pruning to prevent them from overtaking other corals or desired areas in the aquarium. Additionally, Briareum corals have the ability to regenerate from fragments, which means that small pieces of the coral can grow into new colonies under favorable conditions. Briareum corals are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of tank mates, including other coral species, small fish, and invertebrates. However, it is important to provide enough space between different corals to prevent any aggressive interactions or territorial disputes. In the aquarium, Briareum corals can reproduce through budding, where new polyps grow from existing ones, and by fragmenting, where small pieces of the coral break off and develop into new colonies. Overall, Briareum corals are a popular choice for reef aquariums due to their beauty, ease of care, and ability to quickly cover surfaces. Their vibrant green coloration and rapid growth make them an attractive addition to any reef tank. Corals will benefit from the addition of Calcium, Strontium, Iodine, Magnesium and Trace Elements.
Briareum Corals are also known as Green Star or Starburst Polyps. Commonly seen in the aquarium trade. The Briareum Corals are most commonly seen with shades of green or brown coloration. Briareum Corals vary greatly in size and formation.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
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