Fringed Filefish
(Monacanthus ciliatus)
Leatherjackets should be added to well established aquariums with plenty of room to swim. Plenty of rock work with caves, cracks and crevices should be provided for grazing and hiding. Leatherjackets received their name because of the texture of their skin. They are slow swimmers, an aquarium with low water flow is required. Feed a well balanced diet of marine meaty and algae based foods. Leatherjackets may eat aiptasia and will pick at coral, algae, sponge, molluscs, crabs, snails and sea urchins. If not readily eating provide live adult enriched Brine Shrimp or Black Worms. Leatherjackets are generally shy and secretive and should only be housed with other peaceful fish.
Fringed Filefish are also sometimes known as the Cuckold or Leatherfish. Not often seen in the aquarium trade. Coloration will vary depending upon its envirnoment, ranging from green or brown to tan with irregular dark stripes and often a large black colored spot on its belly. Fringed Filefish can grow to almost 8" but more commonly seen at 4" to 6".
We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 75 gallons or larger for this species.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH
Frozen Food