Orientalis Sweetlips Grunt
(Plectorhinchus lineatus)
Plectorhinchus Sweetlips should only be added to very large aquariums preferrably zoo's and public aquariums as they grow very large very quickly. Provide the Plectorhinchus Sweetlips an aquarium with ample open swim area, plenty of rockwork with caves, crevices, and cracks to hide and rest in. Juveniles are very colorful, as they mature their color begins to fade. Sweetlips grind their teeth and the sound resonates in their swim bladder making a Gruntsing noice. Sweetlips are peaceful, shy, nocturnal bottom feeders. Provide a diet rich in meaty foods fed several times daily. They will consume small fish and crustaceans. If they are not eating try fortified live Brine, Glass/Grass shrimp or Black Worms.
Orientalis Sweetlips are also sometimes known as the Lined Sweetlips. Occasionally seen in the aquarium trade. Juvenile and adult Orientalis Sweetlips may have drastic color differences. Juveniles are an overall white color with horizontal black lines as they mature they take on a silver color with diagonal black lines and yellow fins with black spots. The Orientalis Sweetlips can grow to a little over 20".
We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 250 gallons or larger for this species.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH
Live Food
Frozen Food