Narrow Lined Pufferfish
(Arothron manilensis)
Arothron Pufferfish are also known as Fat or Dogface Pufferfish. They should be added to well established large aquariums with plenty of room to swim. Puffers do "puff up" if they feel threatened. Plenty of rock work should be provided with caves, cracks and crevices. Arothron Puffers are not reef safe, they will disturb and will consume invertebrates. A varied diet of larger meaty foods including hard shell shrimp in order to wear down their teeth. Care will need to be taken when handling as Pufferfish tend to become quite alarmed, the use of a container is highly recommended. Pufferfish are intelligent and have a wonderful personality, they will make a great addition to large fish only aquariums.
Narrow Lined Pufferfish are also sometimes known as the Striped Pufferfish or Narrow Lined Toadfish. Occasionally seen in the aquarium trade. Narrow Lined Pufferfish are gray to white with tan to light brown horizontal stripes and dark pectoral fins. Narrow Lined Pufferfish can grow to almost 12".
We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 150 gallons or larger for this species.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH
Live Food
Frozen Food