Candycane Femininus Wrasse
(Anampses femininus)
Add Anampses Wrasse to well established aquariums with plenty of rock work, cracks, caves and crevices. Anampses Wrasse are burrowers, provide a thick sandy bottom. They will bury themselves in the sandy bottom to sleep or if they are feeling threatened. Anampses Wrasse are peaceful but often timid house with other peaceful tank mates. Anampses Wrasse may not readily eat when first acclimating. If seeing unwilliness to eat add fortified live Mysis, Brine, Glass/Grass shrimp to their carnivorous diet. Wrasse are hermaphrodites meaning they start as juveniles/females but at some point in their life may turn into a male. Provide an aquarium with a tight fitting lid as they may jump.
The Candycane Femininus Wrasse are also known as the Bluestripe Tamarin. Uncommonly seen in the aquarium trade. Male and female Candycane Femininus Wrasse will have different colorations. Male Candycane Femininus Wrasse have an overall dark blue body color and scales trimmed in a lighter blue. Females have a yellow body with horizontal blue lines, as the lines run towards the tail the color becomes all blue. Blue Striped Tamarin Wrasse can grow up to 10".
We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 120 gallons or larger for this species.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH
Frozen Food
Live Food
Sand Flat