Wartskin Anglerfish, Red/Orange

(Antennarius maculatus)

Antennarius Anglers should be added to well established aquariums with plenty of rock work, caves, cracks, crevices, a sandy bottom as well as ledges for perching and hunting. Antennarius Anglers will hunt and eat crustaceans, and any benthic small fish they can catch. A diet of live meaty foods should be provided, however be careful to not overfeed. Anglers have been known to consume fish twice their size. Antennarius Anglers have the ability to change color blending into its surroundings which may enhance their hunting abilities.

The Wartskin Angler is also known as the Clown or Wartskin Frogfish. Wartskin Anglers are quite common and are quite splashy with their colorful pink or reddish brown spots or saddles seen over a mostly yellow or white color. Wartskin Anglerfish can grow to 4".

We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 30 gallons or larger for this species.

Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH

  • Care: CareEasyEasy
  • Behavior: BehaviorAgressiveAgressive
  • Diet: DietLive FoodLive Food
  • Habitat: HabitatPlantedPlanted HabitatReefReef
  • Light: LightLowLow