Zebra Pygmy Octopus
(Octopus chierchiae)
Octopus can be found widely spread in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. They are generally found in intertidal rocky area or coral reefs. Be sure to provide an aquarium with a tight fitting lid as Octopus are very strong and can easily lift an aquarium cover. Octopus are carnivorous, meaty foods should be provided. It's essential to avoid using copper-based treatments in a tank with invertebrates, as it can harm them. Always follow the recommended guidelines for medication use in marine aquariums.
Octopus are known by many common names and are not commonly seen in the aquarium trade. Octopuses are fascinating and intelligent marine creatures known for their adaptability and complex behaviors. They are often subjects of scientific research and are admired for their ability to problem-solve, change color, and exhibit unique hunting strategies. Octopuses are known for their remarkable ability to change color and pattern to blend in with their surroundings, communicate, or signal their mood. They can grow up to 6".
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
Live Food