Spider Decorator Crab
(Cyclocoeloma tuberculata)
Cyclocoeloma Crabs are found in the waters of the Indo-Pacific region amongst the intertidal zones and shallow lagoons. Will clip off bits of coral, anemones, sponges, other crabs, and invertebrates to "decorate" itself. It's essential to avoid using copper-based treatments in a tank with invertebrates, as it can harm them. Always follow the recommended guidelines for medication use in marine aquariums.
Cyclocoeloma tuberculata are often known as Spider Decorator Crabs. Commonly seen in the aquarium trade. They are generally a brownish color but will decorate themselves with sponge, shells and small rocks in order to camouflage themselves. They can grow up to 4".
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
Frozen Food
Live Food
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