Emperor Shrimp, Pair
(Artemia sp.)
Periclemenes Shrimp are found in tropical and subtropical marine environments, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. Periclemenes Shrimp are commensal organisms, which means they live in a mutually beneficial relationship with their hosts. They seek protection and often feed on debris and leftover food around the host organism, while providing cleaning services and attracting other potential food sources for the host. Periclemenes shrimp are generally considered reef-safe and peaceful. They do well in aquariums with host organisms, such as certain species of sea anemones or corals. As with any marine organisms, it's crucial to research the specific species of Periclemenes shrimp you plan to keep to provide the appropriate conditions and host organisms. Proper care and consideration for the needs of both the shrimp and their host are essential for their well-being in a captive environment. Magnesium and Iodine are important components for shrimp as they need these for molting.
Periclemenes imperator are also sometimes known as Emperor Shrimp. They are not commonly seen in the aquarium trade. Emperor Shrimp typically have a translucent or semi-translucent body with bright red or orange bands and markings. The combination of their transparent body and vivid coloration is quite distinctive. They can grow to slightly under 1".
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
Frozen Food
Live Food
Flake Food
- Light: