Red Grape Kelp
(Botryocladia sp. on Scleractinia)
Botryocladia algae are typically found in warm, tropical marine environments. They are commonly found in shallow reef areas, where they can attach to hard substrates or other structures. Botryocladia algae play a role in marine ecosystems by providing habitat and shelter for various small marine organisms. They can contribute to the overall biodiversity of coral reefs and other marine environments. As with many types of algae, their growth can be difficult to control in a closed aquarium environment, which may lead to overgrowth and potential nutrient imbalances. It's essential to avoid using copper-based treatments in a tank with invertebrates, as it can harm them. Always follow the recommended guidelines for medication use in marine aquariums.
Botryocladia Algae may also be known as Red Grape Kelp or Red Bubble Algae. They are often seen in the aquarium trade. Botryocladia algae are typically red, ranging in color from deep red to reddish-brown or purplish-red. The size of Botryocladia species can vary, but they generally consist of small spherical structures, resembling beads or bubbles, attached to a central stem. These spherical structures can be a few millimeters in diameter.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
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