Cauliflower Pocillopora Coral
(Pocillopora sp.)
Pocillopora corals are a diverse group of corals that can make a stunning addition to a reef aquarium. Pocillopora corals are found in various marine habitats, primarily in the Indo-Pacific region, including the waters around Indonesia, Fiji, the Great Barrier Reef, and the Red Sea. They can be found in both shallow and deeper reef environments, typically in areas with moderate to strong water flow. Like many other coral species, Pocillopora corals have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae. These algae reside within the coral's tissues and provide the coral with energy through photosynthesis. Pocillopora corals heavily rely on photosynthesis for their nutritional needs, so they require high lighting to support their symbiotic algae. Pocillopora corals generally have a moderate tolerance to copper. However, it's important to note that copper can still be harmful to corals and other tank inhabitants. Care should be taken to maintain stable and appropriate copper levels in the aquarium, and copper-based medications should be used cautiously, following proper dosing instructions. Pocillopora corals are generally considered moderately easy to keep in aquariums. Pocillopora corals will continue to thrive with strong water flow to help remove waste and deliver nutrients. Stable water parameters, including temperature, salinity, and nutrient levels, are crucial for their health and growth. Pocillopora corals are known for their ability to recover quickly from disturbances and regrow damaged or broken fragments. This resilience, coupled with their fast growth rate, makes them a popular choice for reef aquariums and even propagation. Corals will benefit from the addition of Calcium, Strontium, Iodine, Magnesium and Trace Elements.
Pocillopora Corals are also be known as Cauliflower or Antler Coral. Commonly seen in the aquarium trade. The Pocillopora Corals are quite beautiful with a range of the colors from pink, red, blue, green, purple or tan. Pocillopora Corals will vary greatly in size and formation.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
Frozen Food
Live Food