Peppermint Shrimp
(Lysmata sp.)
Lysmata Shrimp should be added to well established aquariums with plenty of rockwork with ledges, cracks, caves and crevices for perching, grazing and hiding. Generally found perching on ledges. Provide a diet rich in small pieces of meaty foods. Invertebrates do not tolerate copper medications. Magnesium and Iodine are important components for shrimp as they need these for molting. Lysmata Shrimp are great for beginner hobbyists as they are easy to care for, peaceful and reef safe.
The Pink Peppermint Shrimp is also sometimes known as Caribbean Cleaner or Veined Shrimp. The Pink Peppermint Shrimp are known to attack nuisance aiptasia anemones as well as scavenging for uneaten foods and detritus. The Pink Peppermint Shrimp are very attractive Lysmata species that is white or opaque with beautiful red stripes. Pink Peppermint Shrimp can grow to 2".
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
Flake Food
Frozen Food
Live Food
- Light: