Pro Clear Ultima 30 Watt UV Sterilizer


The 30W Pro Clear Ultima is a high flow Ultra Violet Sterilizer, its best use is for ponds, water features and very large aquariums. With maximum flow rate of 3000 gallons per hour, it is suitable for anything with up to 6000 gallons of capacity. All Pro Clear Ultima UV units are built with glow ends, allowing the user to safely see, at a glance whether or not the unit is working. They also come with two, 45-degree universal connectors making plumbing the UV unit a breeze in just about any configuration. These units are rated for outdoor use, but should not be submerged or buried.

  • 30W
  • Suitable for ponds up to 7,000 gallons US
  • Max. flow rate of 793 gallons US
  • Completely waterproofed
  • Shape allows for greater water shedding
  • Care:
  • Behavior:
  • Diet:
  • Habitat:
  • Light: