Reefhab's Mission:
Reefhab is a Quality Marine initiative dedicated to coral reef conservation, reef habitat restoration, and poverty alleviation. These activities are encouraged and promoted via the support of various existing and developing marine ornamental species aquaculture projects.
Reefhab's Funding:
Proceeds from the sale of every aquacultured animal are dedicated to Reefhab. These funds are allocated towards selected projects and organizations aligned with the Reefhab mission.
Reefhab's Values:
Coral reefs are among the most elaborate and productive ecosystems in the world. Yet as with any renewable resource, sustained productivity requires educated, rational, and proactive management. As the future of the marine aquarium hobby is in a large part tied to the viability these coral reef ecosystems, Quality Marine founded the Reefhab program to support continuing efforts promoting healthy stewardship of these resources and to increase the sustainability of trade. At the core of the Reefhab program is the ongoing support of aquaculture and mariculture efforts, which complement sustainable levels of wild harvest, and provide alternatives to less sustainable harvest of certain wild caught species reducing fishing pressure on our oceans. The preservation of healthy, lower impact and higher yielding livelihoods in coastal communities is also of critical importance. Reef habitat preservation is achieved via mariculture, restoration, and sustainability initiatives. With a focus shifting away from low value large sale fishing to small scale, high value harvest combined with mariculture of viable local species, coastal communities can safeguard the health and future of their local coral reefs.
Reefhab supports a wide variety of initiatives that are crucial to its mission. The primary goal is to support reef restoration-centered non-profit organizations, which promote safeguarding coral reefs and restoring natural habitat. Furthermore, Reefhab provides funding for new and existing mariculture businesses to help expand the variety and quantity of cultured animals available for aquarists. We also spend substantial resources and effort developing standards for a healthy and sustainable trade. These standards promote ethical collection practices in developing nations around the world and are used by organizations focused on educating and training collectors on how to sustainably harvest their seas.
Financial Contributions:
Rising Tide Conservation is dedicated to developing and promoting aquaculture of marine ornamental fish species through the collaborative efforts of researchers, public aquaria, hobbyists, pet industry professionals and conservation groups. Rising Tide Conservation facilitates sustainability in the aquarium industry by supporting marine ornamental fish aquaculture research. Quality Marine continues to support their different aquaculture projects.
Roger Williams University’s Aquaculture and Aquarium Science Program is headed by Dr. Andy Rhyne, the Wet Lab program and its facilities play a large role in the Aquaculture and Aquarium Science Major and Minor degrees offered at RWU. Their main research initiatives are to research and develop culture techniques and systems that are cost affective. This program provides students an exposure to a holistic view of the aquarium industry, trade sustainability and socio-economic implications. Quality Marine proudly supports this program by selling RWU cultured species to our store partners.
Pet Advocacy Network formally known as the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) has a 50-year history as the legislative and regulatory voice of the responsible pet care community. Their mission is to champion pets and responsible pet professionals with expertise and integrity.
Coral Restoration Foundation™ (CRF) is the largest reef restoration organization in the world. Headquartered in Key Largo Florida, they were founded in response to the wide-spread loss of the dominant coral species of Florida’s Coral Reef. The CRF mission is working to support the reef’s natural recovery processes through the large-scale cultivation, out planting, and monitoring of genetically diverse, reef-building corals.